This project is funded by the European Union


Home / 2017 (Page 5)

7-8 November 2017, Algiers, Algeria – SWIM-H2020 SM Training on the Assessment of Marine Litter in the Algerian Coast EFH-DZ-4 & EFH-DZ-5

News Release SWIM-H2020 SM 13.11.2017 News Release en SWIM-H2020 SM Infonote Training on Marine Litter in Algeria Agenda SWIM-H2020 SM Agenda-Training in Algeria Presentations Introduction to the ...

25-27 September 2017, Brussels, Belgium – SWIM-H2020 SM Regional Study Tour and Peer-to-Peer Exchange on Solid Waste Management (C&D) ST-1 & P2P-1

News Release SWIM-H2020 28.09.2017 News Release en Agenda SWIM-H2020 SM Agenda of Study Tour, 25-27.09.2017, Belgium Presentations Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 Case studies Report SWIM-H2020 SM ...

24-25 July 2017, Brussels, Belgium – SWIM-H2020 SM 1st Regional On-Site Training on Decentralized Water Management REG-4

“Sharing of experiences from the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD).” News Release 2017.07.27 SWIM-H2020 SM News Release en Report REG-4 WFD Workshop Report Concept Note ...

SWIM-H2020 SM Expert Facility Workplan

The SWIM-H2020 SM Expert Facility Workplan was endorsed during the Project’s 1st Steering Committee Meeting (27-28 Sept. 2016, Brussels, Belgium). Expert Facility Workplan SWIM-H2020 SM Expert ...